Joints are a complex of structures that regulate the connection of one or more bone surfaces; i.e. they represent a set of elements that regulate the connections of the skeletal segments.
The joints are divided into three large groups:
fixed joints – they give stability to the various parts of the body;
mobile joints – they allow movement;
semi-mobile joints – they perform limited movements.
There are situations in which the joints click or pop. According to some studies, these sounds are caused by the rapid dilation of ligaments while moving or, in severe cases, by the rubbing of the bones themselves.
This rubbing causes a filing of the cartilage pads (particularly in the knee and the meniscus), which act as shock-absorbers between the two bones. In these cases, it is necessary to undergo medical checks by the orthopaedic doctor to avoid disorders or diseases associated with joint pain.
In addition, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the likelihood of such disorders.
To find out more on the subject, we recommend reading the article

There are some exercises that can improve the condition of the joints: it is in fact recommended to perform a light stretching phase while moving and also a short section of warm-up exercises, in order to make the muscles elastic and flexible.
Training joint mobility is important and contributes to the maintenance of physical well-being and a correct posture. In the technical field, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a proprioceptive stretching rehabilitation technique very effective in improving passive and active joint mobility.
In addition, neuromechanical gymnastics has precisely the purpose of improving the adaptability of an organism to dynamic – and not just static – conditions: exercises are carried out to develop coordination and balance skills.
To prevent joint disorders, however, it is recommended to regularly do joint mobilization and strengthening exercises such as:
knee mobilization;
shoulder mobilization;
elbow mobilization;
wrist mobilization.

Some research has shown that thermal waters are able to stimulate some enzymes that would favour the trophism of the articular cartilage, slowing down its deterioration.
In addition to the new state-of-the-art therapies such as Autologous Regenerative Therapy – which uses stem cells present in the adipose tissue – Thalassotherapy is particularly recommended due to its anti-inflammatory action.
Thanks to this therapy, cartilage can regenerate under the control of the orthopaedic doctor. Moreover, Thalassotherapy promotes muscle and joint elongation.
To learn more about the subject, we recommend reading the article on the Palazzo Fiuggi website