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Writer's picture: Dr. David Della Morte CanosciDr. David Della Morte Canosci


Venous thrombosis is the consequence of an abnormal blood clotting process, in which a clot – called thrombus – is formed.

It is a condition that mainly affects the veins located in the legs; however, it can also occur in other parts of the body. A blood clot (thrombus) forms inside the vessel slowing down the blood flow or, in some cases, blocking blood circulation.

The consequences are not always serious, but they depend on where the thrombus occurs and how quickly it is recognized.


Thrombosis is a condition that can occur at any age and it mainly depends on genetic predisposition.

In other words, it is a typical condition of aging, but it can also appear in young people or children.

The risks are greater among those who remain still or simply sit for long periods of time.

This motionless condition, in fact, can bring out symptoms of overload in the deep venous circulation, as the return of blood to the heart is hindered by gravity; in addition, the propulsive action of the muscles – which occurs when walking – is lost. Moreover, too tight clothes are often worn causing a negative effect because they can further slow down the return of blood from the veins to the heart and impede the circulation.

Among the most prone to the appearance of thrombi are people with previous problems with leg venous circulation, overweight people, smokers, women on birth control (pill), and, above all, people genetically predisposed to this pathology.


It is essential to promptly recognize the symptoms of thrombosis and, above all, to prevent it with simple precautions.

The main symptom consists in the occurrence of a sense of heaviness and swelling in the legs. The suspicion that it may actually be venous thrombosis is founded when the symptom mainly affects only one leg and no previous events have occurred, which could justify this perception.

In order to prevent thrombosis, it is necessary to take all those precautions that help to make the blood thinner. The three main factors are: diet, exercise and smoking.

The food that helps more to have a thin blood – because it helps to lower the cholesterol level – is that rich in omega-three. Therefore, food such as fish, nuts and leafy vegetables.

Food rich in fibre is also important, because it helps reduce the absorption of fat in the intestine.

On the other hand, physical activity allows a faster blood circulation, thanks to the propulsion energy of the muscles. It is recommended alternating still positions with short walks, especially for those who usually remain seated for long periods of time.

Unlike the other two factors, smoking has a negative effect. In fact, it directly increases some clotting factors, which make the blood ‘denser’ and more likely to form thrombus.


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