The sun not only transmits UV rays, which, with the right protections, give your skin a pleasant tan, it also radiates a lot of electromagnetic radiation. This can lead to both good and not-so-good things. Let's find out what they are.

There are 3 types of light that pass through the atmosphere and reach us.
They are:
Visible light
Infrared light
Ultraviolet light
In particular, visible light, which stands in the middle of the wavelength of x-rays (UV ultraviolet) and radio waves (infrared), is a kind of light that has helped living beings regulate themselves with nature.
We live according to the night-to-day transition andthe changing of seasons as the photoperiod reduces gradually.
Sunlight has a strong adaptive value for regulating the activity of people with each other and with the environment. It also influences individual activity by regulating hormone secretion essential for well-being.
Serotonin: regulates circadian rhythm.
Cortisol: at night, it ‘recharges’ and reaches its peak around 7:00am. This is what helps us wake up in the morning.
Vitamin D: it is synthesised by the body itself based on the period of exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D plays a key role in transporting calcium extracted from food to the bones.
Unfortunately, there are also many negative effects it can have on the body, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD),
an early indicator of blindness. This occurs due to the blue-violet components that fall within the visible light spectrum.
Infrared rays, on the other hand, are also artificially recreated for different therapeutic purposes, because of their heating action and the ability to dilate the capillaries and superficial vessels.

However, if absorbed through sunlight in excessive amounts, they
can cause blemishes (e.g. rosacea) or the appearance of varicose veins in the legs.
Ultraviolet rays (or UV rays) are divided into 3 classes: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. Although they constitute only 3% of the solar
rays that penetrate the atmosphere, they can have many consequences, both positive and negative.
UV-A rays: while they do give you a nice tan, they penetrate deep into the skin and can cause problems with capillaries,
elastin, and collagen.
UV-B rays: these are even better for tanning purposes, but they are tied to the alteration of DNA and, therefore, the
appearance of melanomas and other skin cancers.
UV-C rays: unlike the other two, these UV rays are most associated with the appearance of tumours. However, the atmosphere plays a key role in deflecting them.
To learn more about how to protect your skin from the sun's rays, read this article.
Taking care of your appearance is not an act of mere vanity, but a true act of love for yourself and the other facet of well-being.