Acupuncture was born as an oriental discipline and fits perfectly into the concept of modern holistic science that here at Palazzo Fiuggi unites mind and body, human and environment.
It restores a type of balance that is both psychophysical and energetic, it combines a 2000 years old experience with the acknowledgments and knowledge of Western medical specialties; therefore in the hands of a professional Doctor acupuncture is able to relieve:
Headache, dizziness, sinusitis, tinnitus, temporomandibular joint disorders;
Whiplash, neck, back, lumbar pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, hip, knee and ankle osteoarthritis, arthritis;
Acute neuromuscular blocks: stiff neck, witch's stroke, shoulder block;
Chronic muscle weakness, fibromyalgia;
Outcomes of trauma;
Skin diseases: psoriasis, dyschromia, disfiguring scars;
Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attack, Mood Disorders;
Sleep disturbances, eating disorders;
It acts on certain points identified through a previous accurate diagnosis and works specifically on the areas prone to pain and deficiency to guarantee positive results even with just one session. In addition, acupuncture also acts on the symptoms of tobacco dependence, controlling the withdrawal symptoms and therefore the addiction to smoking.
Obviously the results depend not only on the procedure itself, but on the way in which we approach the therapy.
To achieve optimal results in the long and short term, the ideal context is a wellness stay to find yourself and a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support the therapy.
Italian law establishes that «Acupuncture is a medical procedure.», and consequently a doctor is the only professional figure who is truly capable of practicing acupuncture in the most beneficial way possible.
The necessary medical specialization gives the expert the ability to act in the safest way possible, essentially avoiding any complication while guaranteeing safety to the patient and functionality to the practice.
When a professional works, some effects are immediately noticeable, such as the relaxation of the muscles or the pain-relieving action aimed at relieving a discomfort that we might have been carrying around for too long.
It is right to act before the pain becomes chronic, it is right to find the path made especially for us that finally gives us back the well-being to which we are entitled.
The medical team of Palazzo Fiuggi will be able to accompany you on a path of diagnosis and analysis relating to your problem that prevents you from reaching a profound state of well-being that accompanies you throughout the year.
An experienced doctor can therefore combine acupunture with therapies such as thalassotherapy, immunoboost or a specific dietary path.